Does anyone need to use the repeater before I start the net? This is <mycall>.
Calling the Nashoba Valley Amateur Radio Club Information Net.
Calling the Nashoba Valley Amateur Radio Club Information Net.
This is <mycall> calling the Nashoba Valley Amateur Radio Club Information Net.
This Net meets every Monday at 8pm local time on this, the 442.900 Pepperell repeater, with a PL of 100.
The purpose of this Net is to exchange information among Amateur Radio Operators in the coverage area of the repeater. All operators are welcome to join this Net.
When checking in, please say “here is”, then drop your carrier and listen for doubling. When you hear a clear frequency give only your callsign and the town in which you are currently operating <add other items if you want them for your discussion>. If I need any other information I will ask for it later.
Anyone wishing to check in, please call now.
<pause for checkins, and after 5 seconds of dead air:>
The Net recognizes <call> hello <name>, <call> hello <name>, <call> hello <name>, …
If you don't recognize a call, you may welcome the operator and ask for
his or her name:
“Net recognizes NewCall; welcome to this net. May I have your name
Any other checkins? Please call now.
<pause again for checkins, and after 5 seconds of dead air recognize any new arrivals and continue.>
[This evening's discussion topic is …]
This has been a regular weekly session of the Nashoba Valley Amateur Radio Club Information net.
We thank the repeater owner and control operators for the use of the repeater.
Thank you all for checking in and please remember to check in next Monday at 8pm.
This is Net Control, <mycall>, now closing the Net. 73
2004-04-09 rev 2