NVARC Public Service Event

2010 Memory Ride for Alzheimers Research

For further information, contact Ralph Swick KD1SM.

Following our successes of 2008 and 2009, the North Central Massachusetts Amateur Radio community is being asked again to provide logistics and emergency communication support for the 100-mile bicycle ride through the towns of Ayer, Harvard, Bolton, Berlin, Boylston, West Boylston, Clinton, Lancaster, Sterling, Leominster, Shirley, Groton, Townsend, Pepperell, Dunstable, Hollis NH, Amherst NH, and Nashua NH on Saturday, July 24. There are as many as 17 positions, including both mobile and fixed locations at which we will try to place radio operators.

This event is a bicycle ride consisting of 3 groups of riders. One group will follow a 100-mile route ("Century"), the second group a 62-mile route ("Metric Century"), and the third group a 20-mile route. Each route starts and finishes at Devens. The shorter routes follow the later segements of the longer routes for part of their length but include cut-offs. The Pit Stop numbers below correspond to the 100-mile route. The 62-mile route uses only Pits 3 through 5. The 20-mile route uses only Pit 3.

The following positions require radio operators:

Positions - Subject to change; times only approximate
Tactical Name (Assignee) Location Op Name Op Call Start End Notes
Event Coordinator (Michelle Gonzalez) Devens Stan KD1LE 0545 1700 (will swap in and out of NCS)
Medical 1 (Alan Bachrach) roving John KK1X 0600 1700
Medical 2 (Barbara Baker) roving Bob AB1CV 0600 1700
Medical 3 (Christopher Stygles) roving Tom K1JHC 0600 1700
Medical 4 (Jessica Egan) roving Larry KB1ESR 0600 1700
Medical 5 (Mary Beagin) roving 1100 1400
NCS/Start/Finish Devens Ralph KD1SM 0530 1730 (will swap in and out of Michelle shadow)
Pit 1 (Jason Chendonet) Berlin Barry W1HFN 0630 0900 St. Joseph's Church
Pit 2 (Taryn Noonan) Sterling Mark WB1ARZ 0730 1000 Rota Springs
Pit 3 (Lindsay Brennan, Nicole McGurin, Colleen Warren) W.Groton Paul W1SEX 0830 1330 RiverCourt Residences
Pit 4 (Michael Boucher) Amherst NH Gary K1YTS 0930 1330 Amherst Christian Church
Pit 5 (Kathryn Hedgepeth) Hollis NH Mary N1RKO 1030 1500 Alpine Grove Banquet Hall
Volunteer Coordinator (Laura Bombrun) Devens 0600 1700
Sweep (Jennifer Thornton) roving Ray KB1LRL 0600 1700
Support 1 (Jim Bradley) roving Jim KB1JKJ 0600 1700
Support 2 (Ross Chapman) roving Ross KB1MGD 0600 1700
Support 3 (Tom Gothers) roving 0600 1700
Support 4 (Dave Odess) roving Dave KB1MVN 0600 1700
Support 5 (Brian Casey) roving 0600 1600
Support 6 (Irene & Mike McLaughlin) roving - 0800 1600
Support 7 (Rich Schilder) roving Charlie KT1I 0800 1600
Support 8 (Shawn Estes) roving John N2YHK 0800 1600
Support 9 (Bill Walker) roving 1100 1600
Support 10 (Tristan Trottier & Geoff Gavette) roving - 1100 1600
Support 11 (David Pattison & Morgan Blend) roving - 0900 1400

Frequency Plan

There will be a single controlled Net for the event. All stations should attempt to use F1 or F2 first, though some parts of the course may require using the alternate F3. F4 is available for those who have the capability; it will also cover most of the course, depending on the mobile antennas used.

Thanks to the Central Mass Amateur Radio Association, to Paul WB1EWS, and to Dave N1MNX for the use of their repeaters for this event.

F1 Primary 146.970 Mhz, - offset, PL 114.8 with thanks to CMARA
F2 Secondary 147.315 MHz, + offset, PL 100 with thanks to WB1EWS
F3 Backup 147.345 MHz, + offset, PL 100 with thanks to N1MNX
F4 Alternate 53.890 MHz, - offset, PL 100 with thanks to N1MNX

Pit Stop Operators

You may proceed directly to your assignments, no need to meet at Devens. On arrival, please check in with the Pit Captain (listed below).

All operators at pit stops should wear an orange or lime safety vest for identification purposes. The ideal vest will say "Radio" or "Radio Communications". If you have an orange cap please wear it. You should be able to use your mobile radio in your vehicle. Please arrange a parking location with the captain of your pit stop so that you are easily accessible to the pit stop personnel and to your vehicle. Most of the pits stops are not in HT range of the repeaters. Pit Stop messages will include updates on the volunteer status (e.g. missing volunteers) and reporting the arrival of the first riders.

Instructions for Pit Stop Operators

  1. Contact Net Control:
  2. Keep an eye on the number of sag vehicles in the rest stop. When you have more than 3 or 4 Sags in the rest stop please inform Net Control. Assist Sag vehicles that do not have a Ham by letting Net Control know when they arrive and leave.
  3. Rest Stop Ham and Captain should keep track of riders waiting for ride and the time they arrived, report this information to Net Control along with the rider number and reason for request, ie medical or just cannot finish.
  4. If you see a cyclist without their helmet, please help the pit crew remind them that it is mandatory that a helmet be worn at all times. Pit crews should not become confrontational with a participant. Please keep your emotions and temper in check at all time. Inappropriate language toward a participant, staff or volunteer is not acceptable; violators will be asked to leave the event.
  5. Please notify Net Control when you are away from the radio. Please use the Net Control Phone Number to relay any personal information concerning riders. Let Net Control guide you.

Roving Operators

Please meet your assignments at the Museum Field parking lot in Devens. The parking lot is at #29 Antietam Street between Sherman and MacArthur Avenues.

All roving operators will need to bring a magmount antenna, mobile radio, and battery power sufficient for the day. You will be riding in other event volunteers' vehicles. Support vehicle messages will include requests to transport riders unable to finish. Medical vehicle messages will be requests for non-emergency first-aid. Riders will be instructed to call 911 in an emergency and then, if possible, to call NCS by phone at 508.981.5193.

Instructions for all Rovers

Operators supporting roving vehicles, please observe the following and communicate it to the vehicle driver.

Your role is to provide critical support to our cyclists and it is greatly appreciated. In addition to your packet, please make note of the following information

  1. All communications must go through Net Control unless otherwise directed.
  2. Please notify Net Control when you arrive and when you leave a rest stop. We need to know where you are at all times.
  3. If you come across a medical emergency CALL 911 first, then call Net Control. It is critical that proper support is provided immediately.
  4. We have a responsibility to all cyclists on the tour. If there is a medical emergency, please refrain from discussing it with other cyclists.
  5. Please do not speculate about an accident. It serves no purpose but to perpetuate unnecessary rumors.
  6. Know your location.
  7. Do not travel too close to cyclists. It can make them nervous.
  8. Do not travel in the breakdown lanes where cyclists are riding. This is dangerous.

Precise Pit Stop Locations:

Pit Stop 1
St. Joseph's Church, Berlin; intersection of Carter St. and Route 62 (52 West St.)
Captain: Jason Chendonet
Pit Stop 2
Rota Springs Ice Cream Stand, Sterling; 117 Chace Hill Road (1.2 miles north of 110)
Captain: Taryn Noonan
Pit Stop 3
RiverCourt Residences, 8 West Main St., Route 225 (at Townsend Road and Pepperell Road), West Groton.
Captains: Lindsay Brennan, Nicole McGurin, Colleen Warren
Pit Stop 4
Amherst Christian Church, 136 Silver Lake Rd., Amherst NH (corner of Silver Lake Rd./ Rt 122 and Patricia Lane)
Captain: Michael Boucher
Pit Stop 5
Alpine Grove Banquet Hall, 19 S. Depot Rd., Hollis NH
Captain: Kathryn Hedgepeth
Museum Field, Devens

Additional details for participants are available on the event site.

R. Swick, KD1SM
Updated: $Date: 2010-07-20 23:21:03 +0000 (Tue, 20 Jul 2010) $