Lantern Battery Challenge©
Operating Parameters September 2014
Call them rules
• Results Summary Form
The sixth NVARC Lantern Battery Challenge will start in
October. This year we are going back to our roots. So read
on. Last year we added a bonus point system for DX contacts. But
this year we will return to a straight QSO total scoring. This
based on the feedback on the system we used last year. The final
score for this year’s Lantern Battery Challenge will be just the
total number of QSOs.
We will be using the same lantern battery packs as last year.
The batteries will be made up of nine (9) lantern battery cells as
in past years. The entry fee will be $15 as last year to cover
the cost of the batteries and provide a little extra for the
prizes. The sign up period will close shortly after the September
meeting. If you can’t make the September meeting please see me or
a board member to register for this year’s event. Now they say
the devil is in the details. So here are the revised Operating
Parameters for the 2014/20154 NVARC Lantern Battery Challenge.
There are some minor changes so be sure and review them.
- Activity Period
- The 2014/2015 Lantern Battery Challenge will run from the
end of the October meeting, on October 16th, till
0001 UTC March
3 10th, 2015. Note the change. This
will allow operation in the ARRL SSB DX contest this year.
- Bands
- All contacts must be made on the normal contest bands of
160, 80, 40, 20, 15, 10, and 6 meters.
- Modes of Operation
- There are three modes of operation, CW, SSB (including AM), and
Digital (This mode lumps all digital modes such as RTTY, PSK, JT-65,
JT-9 and any of the other so called “sound card” modes together.
- Classes of Entry
- There are really twelve.
- Mixed mode is operating more than one of the three primary modes,
CW, SSB, and Digital.
- CW
- SSB includes AM
- Digital, note the computer and display do not need to run on the
battery for this mode. Only the radio.
- Transmit only mode. This mode allows the use of a line powered
receiver. Only the transmitter is required to be battery powered.
- Crystal controlled transmitter. This is the same as 5 above except
the transmitter is crystal controlled. This is for radios like the
Tuna Tin and Rock Mite transmitters. Pulling the frequency of the
crystal is permitted. You can use as many crystals as you have.
Now in addition to these six operating modes there are two antenna
classes as explained next. The modes of operation and the two antenna
classes combine to provide 12 entry categories.
Antennas - There are two classes of
- General class
- Any and all types of antennas with no part of any antenna used for
operating in the Lantern Battery Challenge higher than 55 feet above
average ground.
- Unlimited class
- The Unlimited class consists of all other antennas. The purpose of
this is to try and level the field between competing stations.
- Location
- Contacts may be made from anywhere. Fixed,
portable, or mobile, just as long as the same battery must be used for
all contacts.
- Logs
- Logs must be submitted with a contact summary sheet (form to
be supplied later) at the end of the event. Logs can be
readable paper, original or a copy. Electronic logs must be
readable with available software in an easy and convenient form.
If we can’t read it, the entry will be set aside. Logs must
contain date and time of contact, station call, mode, frequency
or band and contact information. If the contact is made in a
contest the contest exchanges is required in the log. For just
general QSOs the signal report, name, and state, or province are
suggested but not required. For DX QSOs only name and report are
required. Note for contacts with stations operating in a contest
or DX mode follow the procedure the station is using. Logs are
due at the end of the March club meeting. We will try and make
arrangements for those that cannot attend the March club meeting
to submit their log on line or via US mail.
- Scoring
- The final score will be the number of valid QSOs. Any and
all questions regarding scoring or other event “rules” will be
resolved by the NVARC board and their decision will be
considered final.
- Awards
- Awards will be decided by the board upon review of the
entries. We guarantee all the fame you can carry home. But we
may come up with something like cups, CDs or books. Certainly
certificates will be awarded. The idea that everybody that
enters is a winner comes to mind. Awards will be made at the
April 2014 or later NVARC club meeting.
- Entrance Fee
- The entrance fee is to cover the cost of the battery provided
by the club. It is $15.00. This is just to cover the cost of
the batteries and maybe have a little left over for awards. The
fee along with a completed application form is payable at the
September meeting and must be paid by the close of the
application period to receive a battery. Members that cannot
make the September meeting should contact me or a board member
to try and make arrangement to pay your fee and submit your
entry form. Checks and application forms can be mailed to the
club PO box in Pepperell. We will hold the entrance fee payment
period open till Sept 30th to give members that can’t make the
meeting an opportunity to pay their fee. All entries must use
the official battery pack and pay the required fee.
- Event Spirit
- The spirit of the operating event (we are reluctant to call
it a contest) is to work as many contacts as possible on the
limited amount of energy in the battery. Working stations with
another rig and asking them to stand by and work you with your
QRP rig is not in the spirit of the event.
- Equipment
- It should be obvious that trying to run any of the modern
transceivers on the battery will be short indeed. It will
require a low drain radio. There are of course many of this
type of radios available. The FT 817 and KX3 are examples. But
radios that in general have complicated modern receivers with
displays require a lot of current in the receive mode. Even
transceivers like the Elecraft K2 and KX3 that have a low
current drain mode draw 120 to 150 mills of current and will eat
up the energy in the battery in short order. With the small
battery it is best to have a plan. Use headphones and keep the
transmit power down. Turn off the receiver when you are not
actively listening to save battery capacity. I suggest
disconnecting the battery when not in use. The battery will
probably start to fail in the transmit mode where the current
required is higher. Giving the battery a rest to recover can
stretch the capacity. Low power rigs with simple low drain
receivers will probably have an advantage but that remains to be
seen. A big part of this is experimental.
There are those that will say, “Well I don’t have a radio and
I am not going to plunk down the Big Bucks for some fancy low
power radio kit or radio. Well that is one reason for the
Transmit only mode. Low power, low drain, simple CW
transmitters are little more than a week end project, and they
will get you in on the fun. A one watt crystal controlled
transmitter only takes two transistors and can be built in an
evening. I have a few boards and we can scrape up the parts for
those that may be interested in building their own little
transmitter to get in on the fun. (If you are interested, get in
touch with me).
Operation with different equipment is encouraged. The only
requirement is that any equipment must be powered by the battery
supplied. So you are free to try as many different rigs as you
like during the event. The same is true of antennas as long as
they are in the same class. So it is a good time to experiment
with antennas.
- Changes
- The NVARC Board may modify or issue new event rules at any
time it feels necessary to the conduct of the operating event.
Main Objective of the Lantern Battery Challenge - Have Fun!
Issued Sept. 17th 2009, revised Sept 2nd 2011, Sept 7th 2012, Sept 10th 2013, and Sept 4th 2014
73 Bob W1XP
"Lantern Battery Challenge" is copyright © 2010 Nashoba Valley
Amateur Radio Club.
Change history
2014-09-05 |
2014 paramters posted |
Last changed: $Date: 2015-03-09 08:39:47 -0700 (Mon, 09 Mar 2015) $